Located in Siena One, this newly renovated 3 bedroom apartment offers a rare opportunity to purchase a well laid out welcoming home.
物業地產 / 住宅買賣安迪Andy

店內有婚紗、晚裝、男禮、裙褂 共超過八十套 所有婚紗皆全新訂做 裙尾乾淨 沒有污損 男禮有Tuxedo 裙褂有大五福 品質是不容置疑的 長方形單位 店舖一應俱全 包括: 全白飾物櫃 特大全身鏡 頭紗 頭飾 戒指 頸鏈 耳環 手鏈 裝飾架 兩個手捧花(白色、紅色) 有全新衣架 衣袋 外租袋(方便客人big day帶走婚紗) 鞋架 室內拖鞋 梳化 工作枱 文具 筆記本 文件夾 模特公仔 試身地台 Fa

Rare in the market Suitable for all business, Soft drink store With wash room, equiped with facilities, 90% usable area Wide open, High traffic, Individual travel hot spot 1050呎地下 入則閣500呎 做緊食 可出大牌 來去
M物業地產 / 商舖租售MR.mak56416026

立方國際青年公寓 . 太子 M3 International Youth Community 5層樓,共55間套房,房間面積超150呎,公共空間逾2000呎 吊床影院 Hammock Cinema 花園天台 Rooftop Garden 開放式廚房 Open Type Kitchen 迷你健身房 Mini Gym Room 獨立衛浴 En-suite room 空調電視 Private air
物業地產 / 住宅出租立方国际青年公寓

M教學進修 / 音樂課程 - 學琴Miss Cheng (鄭老師)

Y商業 / 生意頂讓Your Vintage Wedding Closet

Douglas Business School is a premier executive conference venue in Tsimshatsui East, with modern and well-furnished conference and seminar room for your corporate events, meetings, conferences, fairs

Chinese translation, voiceover, Mandarin translation, Cantonese voiceover
C商業 / 翻譯Chinese translator voiceover

Our dresses can be self-confidence in the important memorable moment !
結婚 / 婚紗禮服MaFa Bridal

specialize in teaching Mandarin and Spanish with experience and lots of patience.

Petsit Singapore Services offered by Petsit Singapore • Daily Pet sitting visits to your home to check on your pets while you’re on holiday or out of town on business trips • Taking y
P寵物 / 獸醫PETSIT
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